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Premium listings on Yazoomer are similar to promoted posts on social media networks – they target larger numbers of consumers and help increase brand awareness and online visibility.
We currently have over 10,000 followers and can leverage this to promote your Premium listing.
The increased prominence of a paid subscription (rotating premium spot at the top of your categor y page) ensures that your listing is more likely to be found by visitors compared to a Free subscription.
Yazoomer also offers the opportunity to link your video channel to your listing to enhance the visitors experience further and instill greater trust with your company.
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Welcome to Pixoomer an innovative photo diary website with a difference, a photo diary website that is unique and different which can appeal to all types of businesses and you as an individual.
View PostWhen it’s come’s to construction and or refurbishment it’s difficult to keep track of all that work going on around you, in between trying to hold down a full time job especially if you have children. When the builders start smashing and building daily how do you keep up with it all? You could argue that the builder has your plan and he knows what he’s doing and I’ll leave him to it. But does he truly understand the vision running around in your mind?
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